Jumat, 02 Mei 2014

theme : if  I could back in time

my life
            If  my past could happen again , I want to be born into a woman who has a skill or talent that   can privilege and I have developed since this time , Allah Almighty created man to live a perfect human being who run it .
I was born from a very simple family of three brothers I have one older brother and one older sister and I own women could happen if my past I would not make a mistake it could possibly hurt my feelings or the feelings of others I would be very careful careful in choosing something and do not easily trust with others , and I aspire to be a doctor , be a career woman , got a husband who loves and be responsible , have a happy family , etc. . I will be a woman who is not going to waste the time I will use the time to do kegiataan positive and beneficial .
Want to Be an independent career women and women can pass all the activities themselves have a lot of friends , work and receive income alone it is a dream make his parents and make them proud to have me . I want to be a person who can appreciate others became important and many people will respect him . And now I 'm sick udan almost a week because I was sick at that time I will go to metro unstable hot weather I ended up in the road is not strong , but I have to be strong up to the metro and finally I was up in the metro when he got on the metro after the rain comes I was not feeling well and did not drop my body straight up but there is strong my friend and dear to my attention after I eat and take medication , and istirarahat in boarding . After the next day I was compelled to leave college after arriving at college turns out I added a drop and not strong enough to stand up , I am finally home and resting directly on the boarding taste .
And finally I was actually drop and sick , the body felt weak , dizzy , nauseous and uncomfortable to eat but I have to be strong because it turns out there tomorrow and UTS UTS I can not keep up because I was not sick sick if I'd be able to follow it but UTS it's okay though because UTS can follow UTS will be alone . But I have to keep the spirit and continue the spirit to achieve goals and in order to be successful , in order to boast of parents , friends , family and the people I love after the incident I was very Behati careful in consuming food and must maintain themselves well so as not susceptible to disease because if severe pain my body will drop rapidly